domingo, 16 de março de 2014

Análise: Ratchet & Clank: Nexus

Boas pessoal! Recentemente apeteceu-me fazer uma review para o jogo que está, claro, no título para a loja online onde o comprei e como não publico nada há uns tempos, vou colocá-la aqui. Se o vosso Inglês não estiver lá grande coisa, façam uma visita com o texto ao tradutor não-lá-grande-coisa do Google.

After completing this one twice, i can honestly say, an as old-school fan, that Nexus is a solid Ratchet & Clank game. It kicks of with a surprisingly epic intro and it soon reveals two very interesting villains in terms of backstory and motives. I also dug the kinda "spookier" tone, it fits very well and it creates a suitable vision for the story and world of this last chapter of the Future saga. Another thing that this series always hits right is the sense of humour and this is no exception, i found myself laughing out loud to some dialog lines or references and never over does it, much like it's gameplay, varied and just plain fun.

However, there are some flaws, i felt the ending was bit rushed and (my biggest issue with the game) it seems to be a technical drop down from ToD and CiT, since it's less fluid (i think due to lower framerate) and it does have it's slowdowns when the screen is packed with action stuff, still nothing that will ruin the experience.

Finally i would definitely recommend it if you liked Tools of Destruction and Crack in Time and if you never played those, i would recommend starting there, so you get the many cool references. Also, take in account that the game is a bit shorter than usual, but it does have a high replay value as always in R&C games.
Dei 4 estrelas de 5 no site btw.
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